Product Description : Extra capacity Hi-Rise basket features Diamond Clad powder coating and reinforced welds for extended life. Handles quickly convert from pick-up position into a stand, placing balls at your fingertips. Basket assembly required. Holds up to 80 balls. I looked at the pictures and thought this hopper follows a more traditional design and therefore can be a good pickup for a cheap price. Boy was I wrong!The overall weight is very light, lighter than what I remembered the hopper I used in the 1980s. But while putting together it was obvious the materials are very flexible. This is not a good idea on the handles and the cover:* In pick-up mode (or transporting mode), the basket can be twisting back and forth with full load of balls. One of the handles would then unepxectly detach itself from the basket, sending 70+ balls onto the ground!* In transitioning the handle to be come the stand (or vice versa), the circular hooks acting as hinge would come lose EVERY time.* In serve setup, the handle side bars that become the legs of the stand could not stay in place when a tennis ball hits the basket from many angles, thereby spill entire basket of balls onto the court!All these could've been fixed just by having an extra welded bar between the two sides of the handle to reduce the flexing. It wouldn't be needed for stronger metal, but definitely needed for the flimsy materials.I classify this as a defective design and really no one has to go through this, whether using it couple of times a month or couple of times a day. It's so infuriating and caused me high blood pressure just to deal with it. I'm returning it. Do yourself a favor, spend a little bit more extra for a more robust model, the Hi-Rise 75 GOLD (I did). I don't recall I ever gave a 1 star review, but this flimsy product really deserves it.
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